The Prescription of Guizhi Fuzi Tang
The book Shang Han Lun
Gui Zhi 12 g,3 Fu Zi,Sheng Jiang 9 g,Da Zao 12 dates,Zhi Gan Cao 6 g.Explanation
Fu Zi: Restoring yang from collapse, reinforcing fire and strengthening yang, dispelling cold to alleviate pain.
Gui Zhi: Being pungent and sweet in flavor and warm in nature, expelling pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin by means of diaphoresis, warming the channels to dispel pathogenic cold.
Sheng Jiang: Being pungent in flavor and warm in nature, assisting Gui Zhi in expelling pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin, warming the stomach to prevent vomiting.
Da Zao: Being sweet in flavor and neutral in nature, supplementing Qi and strengthening the middle-Jiao, nourishing the spleen, promoting the production of body fluids.
Zhi Gan Cao: Supplementing Qi and regulating the stomach, together with Gui Zhi aiding in expelling the pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin, together with Shao Yao replenishing Yin, tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.
The Effect of Guizhi Fuzi Tang
Expel wind and warm meridians, support yang and eliminate dampness.
Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken three times a day.