Edema-Alleviating Diuretics
NameNiu Chao Teng (Herba Lygodii Flexuosi)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh whole herb of Lygodii Flexuosum (L.) Sw.(Family Lygodiaceae), growing in or near forests, and distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan of China.The Effect of 牛抄藤 PropertySweet, slightly bitte
NameNiu Chao Teng (Herba Lygodii Flexuosi)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh whole herb of Lygodii Flexuosum (L.) Sw.(Family Lygodiaceae), growing in or near forests, and distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan of China.The Effect of Herba Lygodii FlexuosiPropertySwe
NameZhu Yang Yang (Tender Catchweed Bedstraw Herb)The Effect of Zhu Yang YangPropertyPungent, bitter, cold.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, promote diuresis and resolve swelling, stop bleeding.IndicationsUrinary tract infection, dysentery, urine with blood, traumatic injury, sores and boils, s
NameZhu Yang Yang (Tender Catchweed Bedstraw Herb)The Effect of 猪殃殃PropertyPungent, bitter, cold.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, promote diuresis and resolve swelling, stop bleeding.IndicationsUrinary tract infection, dysentery, urine with blood, traumatic injury, sores and boils, snake and i
NameXing Xiu Cai (Fortune Loosestrife Herb)The Effect of Xing Xiu CaiPropertyBitter, astringent, neutral.ActionsActivate blood, disperse stasis, induce diuresis and eliminate dampness.IndicationsMalaria, dysentery, jaundice, edema, scrofula, amenorrhea, rheumatic arthritis, traumatic injury, acute m
NameXing Xiu Cai (Fortune Loosestrife Herb)The Effect of 星宿菜PropertyBitter, astringent, neutral.ActionsActivate blood, disperse stasis, induce diuresis and eliminate dampness.IndicationsMalaria, dysentery, jaundice, edema, scrofula, amenorrhea, rheumatic arthritis, traumatic injury, acute mastitis,
NameHan Zhong Fang Ji (Radix aristolochiae heterophyllae)SourcesThe drug is the root of Aristolochia heterophylla Hemsl. (family Aristolochiaceae), growing insparsewoods of hillside scrubs, and distributed in Hebei, Shaanxi, Gansu, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnanand Guizhou of China.The Effect of Han
NameHan Zhong Fang Ji (Radix aristolochiae heterophyllae)SourcesThe drug is the root of Aristolochia heterophylla Hemsl. (family Aristolochiaceae), growing insparsewoods of hillside scrubs, and distributed in Hebei, Shaanxi, Gansu, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnanand Guizhou of China.The Effect of 汉中防己
NameHan Zhong Fang Ji (Radix aristolochiae heterophyllae)SourcesThe drug is the root of Aristolochia heterophylla Hemsl. (family Aristolochiaceae), growing insparsewoods of hillside scrubs, and distributed in Hebei, Shaanxi, Gansu, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnanand Guizhou of China.The Effect of Radi
NameTong Tian Cao (Waternut Herb)The Effect of Tong Tian CaoPropertyBitter, neutral; spleen and kidney meridians entered.ActionsPromote diuresis and resolve swelling.IndicationsEdema, difficult urination.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 4.5~9 g.