Lateral to the corner of the mouth, directly below the pupil.
Lateral to the corner of the mouth, directly below the pupil of the eye when the eyes are looking straight ahead.
0.4 cun lateral to the corner of the mouth.
Note: this point is in the continuation of the nasolabial groove; ask the patient to smile if the groove is not visible.


Puncture subcutaneously 1 to 1.5 cun with the tip of the needle directed towards ST-6 Jiache.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Transverse insertion.
For facial paralysis, this point may be joined to ST-6 Jiache, 1 to 1.5 cun.
For trigeminal neuralgia, join to LI-20 Yingxiang, 1 to 2 cun. Sensation: distention and soreness or pain, either locally or throughout the side of the face.
Transverse insertion to join with such points as ST-6 Jiache, LI-20
Yingxiang, SI-18 Quanliao and REN-24 Chengjiang.


Meeting point of the Yang Qiao channel and Large Intestine channel.
Meeting point of the Stomach and Large Intestine channels with the Yang Qiao and REN channels.


Expels Wind from the face
Removes obstructions from the channel
Alleviates pain
Benefits tendons and muscles


Deviation of the mouth
Excessive salivation
Twitching eyelids
Inability to close the mouth
Inability to open the mouth
Cold sores on the lips
Lip spasms
Swollen cheeks
Ceaseless movement of the eyeball
Inability to close the eye
Pain and itching of the eye
Blurring of distant objects
Night blindness
Hemiplegia with deviation of the mouth and eyes
Eye tic
Inability to close the eyes
Lip rash
Intestinal parasitosis
Swollen foot
Swelling of the legs
Facial paralysis
Trigeminal neuralgia
Mouth and eyes awry
Pain of the cheek
Food and drink leak out of the mouth
Numbness of the lips and face
Contraction of the facial muscles
Atrophy disorder with inability to walk
Swelling of the leg
Inability to eat
Inability to drink
Paralysis of the muscles around the mouth
Spasms of the muscles over the eyes
Spasm of the eyelid


M-HN-6 Yuyao ST-2 Sibai ST-6 Jiache LI-20 Yingxiang LI-4 Hegu REN-24 ChengjiangLI-4 Hegu
Trigeminal neuralgia Facial paralysis Excessive salivation
ST-6 Jiache or LU-7 Lieque ST-6 Jiache DU-26 Renzhong REN-24 Chengjiang GB-2 Tinghui LI-4 Hegu LU-9 Taiyuan
Deviation of the mouth Deviation of the mouth and eye Legs withered and lame



This is primarily a local point for facial paralysis and trigeminal neuralgia It has recently been used to treat nicotine addiction. For facial paralysis, facial pain and trigeminal neuralgia, especially when due to Deficiency, needle contralaterally. Common practice is to needle the diseased side. This is a special point for hemiplegia with deviation of the mouth and eyes.

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.