Located on the upper thigh, in a depression just lateral to the sartorius muscle, at the junction of a vertical line drawn downward from the anterior superior iliac spine and a horizontal line drawn level with the lower border of the symphysis pubis or the most prominent point of the greater trochanter.
On the anterior side of the thigh and on the line connecting the anterosuperior iliac spine and the superiolateral corner of the patella, on the level of the perineum when the thigh is flexed, in a depression lateral to the sartorius muscle.
This point can be found directly below the anterior superior iliac spine, level with the perineum.
Located directly below the anterior superior iliac spine, level with the lower border of the pubic symphysis


Perpendicular or oblique insertion 1 to 2 cun.
Puncture perpendicularly 1 to 1.5 cun.
Moxibustion is applicable.

Straight or slanted insertion, 1.5 to 3 cun, causing local distention and soreness, possibly extending to the knee.



Activates the channel
Alleviates pain
Dispels Wind-Damp
Removes obstruction from the channel


Atrophy disorder
Painful obstruction of the lower limb
Numbness of the legs
Cold-Damp leg-Qi
Hip joint pain
Thigh pain
Contraction of the thigh muscles
Cold Bi of the knees
Inability to flex and extend the knee
Lumbar pain
Leg pain
Blocked arterial circulation into the leg
Weakness of the lower extremities

Muscular atrophy
Motor impairment, numbness and pain of the lower extremities
Lymphadenitis of the inguinal lymph glands
Arthritis of the knee
Atrophy or blockage of the muscles of the thigh and buttock
Inhibited movement of the leg muscles due to sinew tension
Cold pain in the low back and knees
Inguinal hernia
Heaviness of the lower extremities
Restricted movement of the hip due to atrophy or paralysis
Lower back pain radiating to the medial aspect of the leg


ST-35 Dubi GB-34 Yanglinquan ST-36 Zusanli GB-34 Yanglinquan GB-39 Xuanzhong ST-41 Jiexi UB-40 Weizhong UB-36 Chengfu
Numbness of the knee Weakness and paralysis of the legs Arthritis of the hip joint



This is an important local point to regulate Qi and Blood in the leg. This a frequently used local point for Wei or Bi syndrome of the leg. It is specifically for facilitating raising the leg.

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.