NAME YONGQUAN LOCATION On the sole of the foot, in the depression when the foot is in plantar flexion, approximately at the junction of the anterior one-third and posterior two-thirds of the line
NAME XUANJI LOCATION One cun below REN-22 Tiantu on the midline of the sternum, midway between the articulations of the left and right first rib with the sternum. On the midline of the manubrium of
NAME CHONGYANG LOCATION On the dome of the instep of the foot, between the tendons of the long extensor muscle of the big toe and the long extensor muscle of the toes, where the pulsation of the
NAME BIZHONG LOCATION On the dorsal aspect of the forearm, at the midpoint between the transverse crease of the wrist and elbow, between the ulna and radius. NEEDLING Straight insertion throughout
NAME RANGU LOCATION On the medial side of the foot, distal and inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression distal and inferior to the navicular tuberosity. Below and anterior to the medial
NAME TIANTU LOCATION 0.5 cun above the suprasternal notch, in the middle of the depression. In the center of the supraclavicular fossa. On the midline, in the center of the suprasternal fossa, 0.5
NAME XIANGU LOCATION In the depression distal to the junction of the second and third metatarsal bones.Between the second and third metatarsal bones, directly above the lateral side of the second toe
NAME CHENGGU LOCATION At the prominence of the lateral condyle of the femur. NEEDLING Prick the point. COMMAND FUNCTIONS ACTIONS INDICATIONS Low back pain Arthritis of the knee COMBINATIONS
NAME TAIXI LOCATION In the depression between the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon, level with the prominence of the medial malleolus. Locate in the center of the depression, midway between
NAME LIANQUAN LOCATION Above the Adam's apple, in the depression of the upper border of the hyoid bone. Superior to the laryngeal prominence, located at the superior ridge of the hyoid bone on the