NAME DICANG LOCATION Lateral to the corner of the mouth, directly below the pupil. Lateral to the corner of the mouth, directly below the pupil of the eye when the eyes are looking straight ahead. 0
NAME XIXIA LOCATION In the patellar ligament, at the middle of the inferior margin of the patella. NEEDLING Straight insertion 1 to 1.5 cun, or use moxibustion. COMMAND FUNCTIONS ACTIONS INDICATIONS
NAME GUKONG LOCATION Greater Gukong: On the palmar surface of the fingers, at the midpoint of the interphalangeal crease of the thumb.Lesser Gukong: On the palmar surface of the fingers, at the
NAME DAYING LOCATION 0.5 cun anterior to ST-6 Jiache, in a trough on the border of the mandible formed when the mouth is closed tightly.Anterior to the angle of the mandible, on the anterior border
NAME XIYAN LOCATION On the knee, in the hollow formed when the knee is flexed, immediately below the patella and both medial and lateral to the patellar ligament. (See ST-35 Dubi.)A pair of points in
NAME HAIQIAN LOCATION In the center of the frenum linguae, on the underside of the tongue. NEEDLING Prick to bleed. COMMAND FUNCTIONS ACTIONS INDICATIONS Diaphragmatic spasm Emaciation Thirst
NAME TIANQUAN LOCATION Located 2 cun below the level of the axilla, between the two heads of the biceps brachii muscle. On the anterior aspect of the arm, 2 cun below the anterior axillary fold,
NAME JIACHE LOCATION Approximately one fingerbreadth anterior and superior to the angle of the jaw at the prominence of the masseter muscle. Note: ask the patient to clench the jaw before locating
NAME XUECHOU LOCATION Above the spinous process of the second vertebra. NEEDLING Straight insertion 1-1.5 cun. COMMAND FUNCTIONS ACTIONS INDICATIONS Hemorrhagic diseases COMBINATIONS
NAME HEDING LOCATION In the depression of the midpoint of the superior patellar border. NEEDLING Puncture perpendicularly 0.3 to 0.5 cun.Moxibustion is applicable. Straight or slanted insertion 0.5-1