NAME LINEITING LOCATION In the depression anterior to the metatarsalphlangeal joints of the 2nd and 3rd toes, plantar aspect' NEEDLING Straight insertion, 0.3 - 0.5 cun. COMMAND FUNCTIONS ACTIONS
NAME YINMEN LOCATION With the patient lying prone, this point can be found on the back of the thigh, 6 cun directly below UB-36 Chengfu.On the back of the thigh, in the depression between the
NAME TIANCHONG LOCATION Above the ear, in the depression0.5 cun posterior to GB-8 Shuaigu. Directly above the posterior auricle, 2 cun within the hairline, about 2 cun posterior to GB-8 Shuaigu.
NAME LINGHUO LOCATION Posterior to the head of the fibula, in a slight depression that feels sore and numb when pressed. NEEDLING Straight insertion, 0.5 to 1 cun. Sensation: an electric, numb
NAME XIAOLUO LOCATION On the line joining the olecranon and SJ-14 Jianliao, midway between SJ-11 Qinglengyuan and SJ-13 Naohui.Midway between SJ-11 Qinglengyuan and SJ-13 Naohui, on the upper arm. On
NAME FUXI LOCATION On the back of the knee, 1 cun superior to UB-39 Weiyang, on the medial side of the tendon of the biceps femoris. Note: locate with the knee slightly flexed. NEEDLING Perpendicular
NAME FUBAI LOCATION Posterior to the ear, along the curved line drawn from GB-9 Tianchong to GB-12 Wangu running within the hairline and more or less parallel to the line of the rim of the ear, in a
NAME LINGXIA LOCATION 2 cun below GB-34 Yanglingquan. NEEDLING Straight insertion 1 to 2 cun COMMAND FUNCTIONS ACTIONS INDICATIONS DeafnessRoundworms in the bile duct Cholecystitis COMBINATIONS
NAME NAOHUI LOCATION 3 cun directly below SJ-14 Jianliao at the posterior margin of the deltoid muscle.On the upper arm, on a line drawn between SJ-10 Tianjing and SJ-14 Jianliao, 4 cun proximal to
NAME WEIYANG LOCATION Lateral to UB-40 Weizhong, on the medial border of the tendon of the biceps femoris muscle. With the patient lying prone, this point can be found on the back of the knee, 1 cun