NAME FENGFU LOCATION 1 cun above the posterior hairline in the depression inferior to the external occipital protuberance on the posterior midline. 1 cun above the middle of the natural hairline at
NAME SHENCANG LOCATION 2 cun lateral to REN-19 Zigong, in the second intercostal space. In the second intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the midline. NEEDLING Slanted insertion 0.5-0.8 cun.Caution:
NAME XIAOHAI LOCATION In the depression between the tip of the olecranon process of the ulna and the tip of the medial epicondyle of the humerus.With the elbow flexed, this point is located halfway
NAME FENGMEN LOCATION 1.5 cun lateral to the DU channel, at the level of the lower border of the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra. Note: locate at the visible highest point of the
NAME NAOHU LOCATION At the back of the head on the midline, 1.5 cun directly above DU-16 Fengfu, in the depression directly superior to the external occipital protuberance. Located 2.5 cun above the
NAME YUZHONG LOCATION In the first intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the midline. 2 cun Lateral to REN-20 Huagai, in the first intercostal space. NEEDLING Transverse-oblique insertion, directed
NAME JIANZHEN LOCATION With the arm hanging freely at the side, this point is found 1 cun directly above the posterior axillary crease. Posterior and inferior to the shoulder joint. When the arm is
NAME FEISHU LOCATION 1.5 cun lateral to DU-12 Shenzhu, at the lower border of the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra. NEEDLING Puncture obliquely 0.5 to 0.7 cun.Moxibustion is
NAME QIANGJIAN LOCATION 4 cun directly above the midpoint of the posterior hairline, 1.5 cun above to DU-17 Naohu.At the back of the head on the midline, 1.5 cun superior to DU-17 Naohu, midway
NAME SHUFU LOCATION In the depression on the lower border of the clavicle, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Note: the 2 cun line is located halfway between the midline and the mammilary line. 2