NameThe Prescription of 栀子厚朴汤SourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredients9 Zhi ZiHou Po 12 g,Zhi Shi 9 g.ExplanationZhi Zi: Being bitter in flavor and cold in nature, purging pathogenic heat.Zhi Shi: Promoting the flow of qi, disintegrating masses and relieving fullness.Hou Po: Promoting the flow of qi t
Zhizi Houpo Tang
NameThe Prescription of Zhizi Houpo TangSourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredients9 Zhi ZiHou Po 12 g,Zhi Shi 9 g.ExplanationZhi Zi: Being bitter in flavor and cold in nature, purging pathogenic heat.Zhi Shi: Promoting the flow of qi, disintegrating masses and relieving fullness.Hou Po: Promoting the f