NameThe Prescription of 赭遂攻结汤SourceThe book Yi Xue Zhong Zhong Can Xi LuIngredientsZhe Shi 60 gPo Xiao 15 gGan Sui 4.5 gExplanationZhe Shi: Check adverse rise of qi by heavy settling.Po Xiao: Soften hardness with purgative, clear heat.Gan Sui: Relax the bowels.The Effect of 赭遂攻结汤IndicationsConstipat
Zhe Sui Gongjie Tang
NameThe Prescription of Zhe Sui Gongjie TangSourceThe book Yi Xue Zhong Zhong Can Xi LuIngredientsZhe Shi 60 gPo Xiao 15 gGan Sui 4.5 gExplanationZhe Shi: Check adverse rise of qi by heavy settling.Po Xiao: Soften hardness with purgative, clear heat.Gan Sui: Relax the bowels.The Effect of Zhe Sui Go