Ya Ma Zi
NameYa Ma Zi (Semen Lini)The Effect of 亚麻子PropertySweet, neutral; lung, liver and large intestine meridians entered.ActionsMoisten dryness and relax the bowels, tonify blood and dispel wind.IndicationsDry skin, intestinal dryness with constipation, pruritus, alopecia.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct
Semen Lini
NameYa Ma Zi (Semen Lini)The Effect of Semen LiniPropertySweet, neutral; lung, liver and large intestine meridians entered.ActionsMoisten dryness and relax the bowels, tonify blood and dispel wind.IndicationsDry skin, intestinal dryness with constipation, pruritus, alopecia.Dosage and Administration