NameThe Prescription of 四逆加人参汤SourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsZhi Gan Cao 6 g,Fu Zi 10 g,Gan Jiang 4.5 g,Ren Shen 3 g.ExplanationFu Zi: The principal drug, being pungent and sweet in flavor and very hot and toxic in nature, being good at supporting the congenital true fire of Ming Men, promot
Sini Jia Renshen Tang
NameThe Prescription of Sini Jia Renshen TangSourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsZhi Gan Cao 6 g,Fu Zi 10 g,Gan Jiang 4.5 g,Ren Shen 3 g.ExplanationFu Zi: The principal drug, being pungent and sweet in flavor and very hot and toxic in nature, being good at supporting the congenital true fire of M