NameThe Prescription of 芍药甘草汤SourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsShao Yao 12 g,Gan Cao 12 g.ExplanationShao Yao: Astringing the liver to alleviate pain.Gan Cao: Removing heat and toxic material, coordinating the actions of all the other ingredients, getting together with Bai Shao to relieve spasm
Shaoyao Gancao Tang
NameThe Prescription of Shaoyao Gancao TangSourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsShao Yao 12 g,Gan Cao 12 g.ExplanationShao Yao: Astringing the liver to alleviate pain.Gan Cao: Removing heat and toxic material, coordinating the actions of all the other ingredients, getting together with Bai Shao to