Semen Hoveniae
Zhi Ju Zi
NameZhi Ju Zi (Semen Hoveniae)The Effect of Zhi Ju ZiPropertySweet, sour, neutral; heart and spleen meridians entered.ActionsSlake thirst, relieve restlessness, relieve alcoholism, eliminate damp-heat.IndicationsDifficulty in urination and defecation, vomiting, polydipsia, drunkenness.Dosage and Adm
NameZhi Ju Zi (Semen Hoveniae)The Effect of 枳椇子PropertySweet, sour, neutral; heart and spleen meridians entered.ActionsSlake thirst, relieve restlessness, relieve alcoholism, eliminate damp-heat.IndicationsDifficulty in urination and defecation, vomiting, polydipsia, drunkenness.Dosage and Administr