Ren Dong Teng
NameRen Dong Teng (Honeysuckle Stem)The Effect of 忍冬藤PropertySweet, cold; heart and lung meridians entered.ActionsClear heat, romove toxicity and dredge meridians.IndicationsSores and boils, infectious hepatitis, febrile disease, dysentery due to heat-toxin, arthralgia and myalgia.Dosage and Adminis
Caulis Lonicerae
NameRen Dong Teng (Honeysuckle Stem)The Effect of Caulis LoniceraePropertySweet, cold; heart and lung meridians entered.ActionsClear heat, romove toxicity and dredge meridians.IndicationsSores and boils, infectious hepatitis, febrile disease, dysentery due to heat-toxin, arthralgia and myalgia.Dosag