Radix Euphorbiae Ebracteolatae
Lang Du
NameLang Du (Radix Euphorbiae Ebracteolatae)The Effect of Lang Du PropertyPungent, neutral, toxic; liver and spleen meridians entered.ActionsEliminate phlegm, alleviate pain, dissipate food stagnation and kill parasites.IndicationsEdema, abdominal distension, cough and dyspnea, scrofula, cutaneous t
NameLang Du (Radix Euphorbiae Ebracteolatae)The Effect of 狼毒PropertyPungent, neutral, toxic; liver and spleen meridians entered.ActionsEliminate phlegm, alleviate pain, dissipate food stagnation and kill parasites.IndicationsEdema, abdominal distension, cough and dyspnea, scrofula, cutaneous tubercu