NameMu Hu Die (semen oroxyli)The Effect of Mu Hu Die PropertyBitter, cold; liver and lung meridians entered.ActionsNourish the lung and soothe the liver, harmonize the stomach and promote tissue regeneration.IndicationsCough, pharyngitis, sore throat, bronchitis, unhealing wound, aphonia, stomachach
NameMu Hu Die (semen oroxyli)The Effect of 木蝴蝶PropertyBitter, cold; liver and lung meridians entered.ActionsNourish the lung and soothe the liver, harmonize the stomach and promote tissue regeneration.IndicationsCough, pharyngitis, sore throat, bronchitis, unhealing wound, aphonia, stomachache due t
NameMu Hu Die (semen oroxyli)The Effect of semen oroxyliPropertyBitter, cold; liver and lung meridians entered.ActionsNourish the lung and soothe the liver, harmonize the stomach and promote tissue regeneration.IndicationsCough, pharyngitis, sore throat, bronchitis, unhealing wound, aphonia, stomach