NameThe Prescription of 苓桂甘枣汤IngredientsFu Ling 24 g,Gui Zhi 12 g,Zhi Gan Cao 6 g,Da Zao 15 dates.ExplanationGui Zhi: Being pungent and sweet in flavor and warm in nature, expelling pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin by means of diaphoresis, warming the channels to dispel pathogenic cold.Z
Linggui Ganzao Tang
NameThe Prescription of Linggui Ganzao TangIngredientsFu Ling 24 g,Gui Zhi 12 g,Zhi Gan Cao 6 g,Da Zao 15 dates.ExplanationGui Zhi: Being pungent and sweet in flavor and warm in nature, expelling pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin by means of diaphoresis, warming the channels to dispel pat