Lang Ba Cao
NameLang Ba Cao (Bur Beggarticks Herb)The Effect of Lang Ba CaoPropertyBitter, sweet, neutral.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, nourish yin and arrest sweating.IndicationsCold, hepatitis, tonsillitis,enteritis, pharyngitis, dysentery, urinary infection, night sweat, phthisis, amenorrhea for ora
Herba Bidentis Tripartitae
NameLang Ba Cao (Bur Beggarticks Herb)The Effect of Herba Bidentis TripartitaePropertyBitter, sweet, neutral.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, nourish yin and arrest sweating.IndicationsCold, hepatitis, tonsillitis,enteritis, pharyngitis, dysentery, urinary infection, night sweat, phthisis, ame