Herba seu Rhizoma Nerviliae Fordii
Qing Tian Kui
NameQing Tian Kui (Herba seu Rhizoma Nerviliae Fordii)SourcesThe drug is the dried tuber or whole herb of Nervilia fordii (Hance)Schltr.(family Orchidaceae), mostly growing on lime rock mountain-lands and in woods, distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan of China.The Effect of Qing Tian K
NameQing Tian Kui (Herba seu Rhizoma Nerviliae Fordii)SourcesThe drug is the dried tuber or whole herb of Nervilia fordii (Hance)Schltr.(family Orchidaceae), mostly growing on lime rock mountain-lands and in woods, distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan of China.The Effect of 青天葵ActionsM