Herba Nanocnides Lobatae
Mao Hua Dian Cao
NameMao Hua Dian Cao (Herba Nanocnides Lobatae)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh whole herb of Nanocnide lobata Wedd. (Family Urticaceae), grow ing in moist and shady places, in scrubs, in swampy lands under bamboo forests or in crevies, in ravines, and distributed in East of China and Shaanxi,
NameMao Hua Dian Cao (Herba Nanocnides Lobatae)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh whole herb of Nanocnide lobata Wedd. (Family Urticaceae), grow ing in moist and shady places, in scrubs, in swampy lands under bamboo forests or in crevies, in ravines, and distributed in East of China and Shaanxi,