Herba Euphorbiae Pulcherrimae
Yi Pin Hong
NameYi Pin Hong (Herba Euphorbiae Pulcherrimae)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh whole herb of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. (Family Euphorbiaceae), growing originally in Maxico and reed-America, and cultivated all over China.ConstituentsWhole herb contains phytosterol, amyrin acetate, cycloarten
NameYi Pin Hong (Herba Euphorbiae Pulcherrimae)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh whole herb of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. (Family Euphorbiaceae), growing originally in Maxico and reed-America, and cultivated all over China.ConstituentsWhole herb contains phytosterol, amyrin acetate, cycloarten