Herba Ammanniae Bacciferae
NameShui Xian Cai (Herba Ammanniae Bacciferae)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh whole herb of Ammannia baccifera L. (Family Lythraceae), growing in swampy places or irrigated fields, and distributed in East China, South China, and Hebei, Shaanxi, Hunan, Hubei and Yunnan.The Effect of 水苋菜Property
Shui Xian Cai
NameShui Xian Cai (Herba Ammanniae Bacciferae)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh whole herb of Ammannia baccifera L. (Family Lythraceae), growing in swampy places or irrigated fields, and distributed in East China, South China, and Hebei, Shaanxi, Hunan, Hubei and Yunnan.The Effect of Shui Xian C