Chinese Honeylocust Spine
Zao Jiao Ci
NameZao Jiao Ci (Chinese Honeylocust Spine)The Effect of Zao Jiao Ci PropertyPungent, warm; liver and lung meridians entered.ActionsCounteract toxic pathogen, expel wind, resolve swelling and expel pus.IndicationsLprosy, sores and boils, tinea and retained placenta.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 3
NameZao Jiao Ci (Chinese Honeylocust Spine)The Effect of 皂角刺PropertyPungent, warm; liver and lung meridians entered.ActionsCounteract toxic pathogen, expel wind, resolve swelling and expel pus.IndicationsLprosy, sores and boils, tinea and retained placenta.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 3~9 g, or