NameThe Prescription of 白虎加苍术汤SourceThe book Lei Zheng Huo Ren ShuIngredientsZhi Mu 18 g,Shi Gao 50 g,Zhi Gan Cao 6 g,Jing Mi 9 g,Cang Zhu 9 g.ExplanationShi Gao: The principal drug, being pungent and sweet in flavor and very cold in nature, purging heat in the lung and stomach, eliminating vexation
Baihu Jia Cangzhu Tang
NameThe Prescription of Baihu Jia Cangzhu TangSourceThe book Lei Zheng Huo Ren ShuIngredientsZhi Mu 18 g,Shi Gao 50 g,Zhi Gan Cao 6 g,Jing Mi 9 g,Cang Zhu 9 g.ExplanationShi Gao: The principal drug, being pungent and sweet in flavor and very cold in nature, purging heat in the lung and stomach, elim