Arisaema Cum Bile
Dan Nan Xing
NameDan Nan Xing (Arisaema Cum Bile)The Effect of Dan Nan XingPropertyBitter, cold; heart, liver and lung meridians entered.ActionsClear and resolve heat-phlegm, extinguish wind and calm fright.IndicationsConvulsions due to phlegm-heat, apoplexy, epilepsy, cough due to phlegm-heat.Dosage and Adminis
NameDan Nan Xing (Arisaema Cum Bile)The Effect of 胆南星PropertyBitter, cold; heart, liver and lung meridians entered.ActionsClear and resolve heat-phlegm, extinguish wind and calm fright.IndicationsConvulsions due to phlegm-heat, apoplexy, epilepsy, cough due to phlegm-heat.Dosage and AdministrationsD